Year: 2023

Humpty Dumpty (Retelling After the Fall by Dan Santat)

In the beginning Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.

When Humpty Dumpty went to his favourite shop he got his favourite book.  He went past the wall  and then he  made a paper bird. He threw his paper bird  higher, higher and higher until his bird was on the wall. Then he went up the ladder. He was nervous and his hands were shaking. When he  got  there,  his skin came off and then he become a bird.

The movies

On the first week of the holidays me and my auntie and my sister and my brother Went to the movies.we watched the little mermaid. I eat skittles and popcorn and Eminem’s. Finally we went home. Then we slept.

Cross Country

On Friday Point, England did cross country. My race was the year two girls . The Year two girls ran as fast as they could. Suddenly I ran as fast as I could. I pushed myself to the limit and I  sprinted past a whole lot of people. I was puffing and panting. I felt proud of myself.